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I used to have a jam-packed closet but I always felt like I have nothing to wear. If this sounds familiar or if you need a help organizing your closet, keep reading!


We sometime keep clothes for wrong reasons. We all have this one thing we purchased just because it looks good in the store then eventually realize it doesn’t fit our style. Or it could be a dress we keep holding on swearing to wear it when the occasion is right, but the occasion never comes. Or a shirt given to us as a gift that doesn’t really suit us but we feel guilty getting rid of it. Or an old college shirt we keep for memory sake but had seen better days.

We should be intentional on what we keep in our closet. It’s like your fridge, if it’s filled with unhealthy foods, you’ll tend to be unhealthy, but if it’s filled with power foods, most likely you’ll be fit. Dressing up is a part of life and it shouldn’t be a chore. It should be something we enjoy and we consciously choose for ourselves every day. So if your closet is filled with random stuffs, you know what to expect.

Whether you like it or now, the way we dress ourselves represents who we are. We can’t keep people from judging us on how we choose to dress, its instinct, and human nature. That being said, let’s represent ourselves well by being intentional on how we dress.  Of course, it will all start in your closet.

The solution is simple - Capsule wardrobe. Simply put, capsule wardrobe is a compact collection of essential and timeless pieces of clothing that you’ll use for a particular season. The intention is to simplify getting dressed with quality clothes that you’ll actually wear. Studies shows that you only use 20% of what’s in your wardrobe so in essence we already have the capsule wardrobe in place, we’re just unaware of it. 

In the book Lessons from Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott, she shared her observation about the way of French people when she was in Paris. She realized that French people wore the same clothes in heavy rotation – unapologetically and with great panache. This proves that it’s really not about the quantity, but the quality of the clothing we have.

Ready to create your capsule wardrobe? Here we go!


Are you working in a company that requires wearing corporate attire? Let’s fill your clothes with the right number of corporate outfits. Corporate attire might be boring and monotonous but that’s not the reason to deviate. I’ll tell you later how to conform yet still stand out. How do you spend your weekend, pretty casual or more formal affairs? Take note of that as well. With a more defined lifestyle, you know what clothes you need to wear.  

Now, let’s take a step up on your clothing requirements. Many offices today allow wearing casual clothing. However I would say to aim for smart casual.

Personally, I worked from home but I don’t wear loungewear all day long. I still dress up a bit. Although no one sees me, the way I dress myself affects my mood. If I’m in my jammies, I tend to be lazy but if I dress up, it sets the atmosphere of productivity. Not to mention that I’m always ready for unexpected errands.

Remember, the way you dress defines you. It won’t hurt to step up your dressing game just a bit.


Imagine your outfit you feel most confident about, what’s the style? Is it shabby chic, androgynous, boho chic or classic? Find the style that works for you and incorporate it to your dressing requirement. If you’re office requires corporate attire and you’re style is boho chic, you can wear a boho dress and pair it with a structured blazer and heels. Another way is to incorporate boho chic through color palette.

There are plenty of ways and you can browse all over Pinterest for inspirations. Why reserve your style for special events if you can incorporate it on your daily life.

 Love this quote from Coco Chanel, as it says is all.

 I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little—if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.


Now that we define our style with our current lifestyle, it’s time to evaluate your closet and find that 20%.

Check each piece of clothing and decide which one to stay and which one to get rid of. Be as honest as possible when doing this and let of the “WHAT IFs”. Also, consider giving up your favorite dress if it has seen better days! Let go of the worn out clothes.

If there are still pieces you’re unsure of, put them in a bag and keep it for six months. If you didn’t reach out for it within that period, it’s a good sign to totally get rid of it. Be ruthless when you do it. What you want is to see your closet with clothes that defines your style and personality.


Last and finally, organize your closet. I know, this is the boring part but hear me. If you strictly follow the first three steps, this is an easy part. Why? Because you’ll be organizing fewer clothes and clothes that you really love! I tell you, it’s not that hard.

There are tons of ways to organize your closets on line but the best method is the Konmari way of folding clothes. It’s like Science, so get the book, it’s worth it! She teaches the folding of clothes in a way that it stands vertically so you see all the clothes at once when you pull out the drawers. Also, when you take out a piece, the rest will hold its place as it is standing vertically. There’s even a way of hanging clothes.

That’s about it. I thought this post is timely for Spring Cleaning. Give it a go and share it to others too! Let’s step up the dressing game for everyone – one closet at a time!

See you in my next post! And remember, you can always live the life you’ve always wanted!

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