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I don’t know about you, but me I want to have more money. Let’s be honest, money is a powerful tool to make a difference, to contribute and support a cause you believed. Whenever I see hacks on how to grow my finances, I’ll jump into it and share it with you as well.

Basically, there are four ways to have more money: earn more, save more, spend less and invest more. But today, I’m not going to go through any of that. We will be talking about money mindset. Because no matter what steps you take in having more money, if you don’t have the right frame of mind about money, you’ll just feel that you don’t have enough.

That my friend is poverty. Contrary to popular belief, poverty is not about how much or should I say how less you have in your bank account. It is a mindset, a feeling of scarcity. I know people who has thousands of dollars in their savings account or people who own properties but still consider themselves financially poor. This proves my point that it’s not about how much you have but it’s all about thinking rich or thinking poor.

So today, I’ll share with you four tips on how to cast out the poverty trolls and start thinking rich.


Find time to list down at least three things you’re thankful for. Do it every day.  By acknowledging your blessings, you’re setting your mind in the right path. This helps you focus on what you have than what you don’t have. When we focus on what we have, our mind is more inclined to think of ways on how we can grow what we already have. On the contrary, thinking about what you lack, sets your mind in the dead-end point, limiting yourselves and blinding you on what you can do.


No matter how much you know, realize that there’s a lot more to learn. Always be hungry to learn and increase your knowledge. Consider this as personal investment whenever you educate yourself. If your financial goals are not yet materializing keep on reading, studying and exploring. Copy the success of people who had achieved your goals.  If ever you hear yourself saying “I think I know enough”, beware! That’s Mr. Pride creeping in. Be a student of life. Keep learning and be a doer of what you learn.


I used to think that I’m totally free from poverty mindset. But little did I know that I have a tiny poverty troll dwelling in my mind, hiding and making his appearance only once a month – whenever I’m paying bills. I say this because whenever I’m paying bills, even though I have enough balance to cover the bills, I don’t feel good paying it. I feel like I want to puke or poop or whatever! I thought maybe I felt this way because this is my hard earned money and I don’t want to depart from it (separation anxiety?). But I realized it is poverty mindset, a fear of losing.

That’s why I decided to create a positive affirmation. Whenever I’ll pay bills or spend money, I’ll say to myself “I have the capacity to produce wealth”. Sounds crazy I know, but there is a power in the spoken words. It takes the same energy to say negative things and positive things, so choose to declare affirmation over your life.  By doing this, I was able to question fear of losing and strengthen my faith as I declare that I can earn more. With this, I say bye-bye to money separation anxiety!


Poverty trolls are in full force whenever we can’t afford something for ourselves. Giving in to this thought will discourage you and will feed the fear beliefs. As I always say, to counterattack any fear is to question the fear and do something about it. The best antidote to poverty is giving. Contribute; give to others who are in need. Whenever you give, you’re sending a signal to your brain that you know that you have enough. That’s why it feels good after giving. It’s more than feeling good, after all it is good to give.

We have a rich God who is willing to open the floodgates of heaven to anyone who’s willing to take charge and be an avenue of His blessings. Be that person.

There you have it. I hope these four tips will help you send poverty trolls away. Every battle starts in the mind. If you win it, you are sure to win the actual one. Take the first steps today – think rich and be one.

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