Money Matters

6:47:00 PM

Hey everyone!

I was not able to post lately because I've been busy with Annual ITR of clients. I'm an Accountant and April is our busy season. This month was preoccupied with numbers, paper works and money talks. Just in time, last Sunday as I attended the Sunday Service, the Pastor talks about Money. The Biblical Money Management. I thought I would share some of the important pointers that he mentioned.

Luke 16:10 says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

In this verse, two(2) biblical priciples was being taught.
1. God owns everything.
2. God is looking for a good steward.

The money in your pocket is not yours. It maybe in your pocket, but it is God's. He just entrusted us with that finances. It is Him who gave us the ability to produce wealth and so that fruit is His.

Now the problem with people is that they have money but they don't manage it well and so it was gone in a very short time. So here listed down below the principles of Money Management.

1. Discipline of Giving.
         They always say, its better to give than to receive and it is true. The more we give, the more we are entrusted. We give and God gave us more because we are generous. And the more you help others through giving, the more God blessed you with abundance because He knows that are sharing whatever you received.
2. Discipline of Saving.
          It is also important to practice Savings. Do not splurge everything in one go. Save for the rainy days. Practice this principle, 10% is for your giving, 20% for your savings, and 70% for your lifestyle. Set aside your savings before you spend. This is the only way you can actually save.
3. Discipline of Investing.
          Now when your savings grow, it is now time to invest. In the bank, your money will earn 1-3% interest but if you invest it, it can double or even triple. Also, the early you invest, the more you will earn because through time your money will work for you. So when is the right time to invest? My advice, once you reach a savings equal to 3-6 months of your monthly income, anything in excess you can invest either on Stocks, Bonds or put  up your own business. And in time, your money will work for you and you will just enjoy the yields.

In next blogs, I will go on to details how to Give, Save and how to Invest. Hope you will keep on reading.
Have a great week everyone and be blessed!

The Busy Me ☺

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