DECLUTTER: The way to Begin

9:44:00 PM

While browsing my Facebook feed, I found a lot of funny memes saying. “Decided that my 2017 starts again on February 1st... January is a trial month”.  But seriously, how do we even begin? With goals in place and enthusiasm pump up, the question now is how to start. I’m a believer that before we start anything new, a clean slate is a good start. Decluttering your physical space, emotional space (I mean heart contents) and mental aspect is a great starting point to whatever you want to pursue.

Physical Declutter

Try to assess what things in your life are important to you and make those available for you. For anything that doesn’t add value nor has no utility for your current lifestyle (not your dream lifestyle ok?) get rid of those. For example, do you really need two planners? Why not give away the other one so you only have one central place for planning. I’ve blog thoroughly about this in the past so I’ll leave the links below if you want an in-depth discussion of physical declutter.

Emotional Declutter

Let’s take an inventory of negative feelings in your heart. It could be anger, hatred, envy or unforgiveness. Most of us tend to brush off negative emotions in the beginning, keeping it inside and harboring pain in the end. But that’s not the way to deal with negative emotions .We deal these emotions by confronting it. Here’s how I do emotional declutter. On a paper with three columns, write down the negative emotion and be as detailed as you want. Next to it, write down why you feel this emotion. Be real and confront yourself. Keep asking why until you get to the root, the real source. The last column is the action item. Let’s say, the negative emotion is “I hate my boss”. The why is “because he’s rude, unfair, won’t listen and rude”. Your action item could be, talking to your boss so you will have a better understanding of the situation or other action item could be finding another job. Granted, the action item will take time to accomplish but the point here is the more you focus on the action item, the less you focus on the emotion, eventually phasing out the emotion totally from your heart and mind. This is the way to get rid of those negative emotions. It will never go unless we confront it and decide to free ourselves from it.

Mental Declutter

One of the most cluttered spaces in the world is not our houses; it’s our brain. There are so many thoughts floating around, and there are so many thoughts coming in involuntarily. It is important to find a system to organize these thoughts and free some brain space. We tend to hold thoughts, and create mental notes. While the brain can definitely do this, the main function of our brain was not fully utilized. Our brain’s purpose is to create, rationalize and think. With this, we should get organized with our thoughts and have a brain dump system. How? Write it down. Let go of the thought and write it down. Now, you can choose the digital route through apps of your smartphone or laptop, or physical route through pen and paper. If you ask me, I prefer the digital route because I’m glued to my phone so technically, I glued to my brain dump. However, nothing beats the old school pen and paper so I still keep one notebook just in case I have a stroke of genius moment, then I have something to write on . Whatever route you choose, what’s important is consistency. Stick to the system of writing it down and free your mind.

Now with all that in place, let’s conquer February shall we? Welcome to the love month.

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